Sunday, July 19, 2009

The garment district! My 2nd home, and one of my favorite places....and not just because of the giant 5 hole button.super convenient stores. gotta be grateful for them.
I made this snowman as a part of my gingerbread house in December...
..and then I saw him in person a few weeks later! It was like a celebrity sighting! This man in the subway was playing the Didgeridoo!... it echoed fantastically. I followed this guy on my bike for blocks(stalker!!) trying to get my camera out of my bag(yes...while riding) and get a picture. Fortunately he was riding ridiculously slow. And yes that is a feather on top of his helmet.
Mosaic-ed house!!


  1. the snowman pics are freakin' hilarious. Maybe someone saw your candy snowman and felt inspired. Also: Love the bejeweled house.

  2. found your blog through jen's and i'm glad i did. thank you for keeping up such a fun blog. you have very good reasons for loving your city, and i plan on checking back often to see what else you come up with.

  3. "i'll be checking back often" sounded like a threat. maybe it is.

  4. I'll be waiting.... dun dun dun.....
    (p to the s i wrote dung by accident all three times just now....)
